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Briquette Maker in Henan Province

With the approaching of harvest season, farmers in Henan Province begin to think about that how deal with the straws, such as corn, wheat and rice husk, which waste areas and money for looking people to carry them out fields. With the briquette maker, the farmers in Henan Province are able to make full use of the different straws. corn straws

Henan is a semi-industrialized economy with an underdeveloped service sector. In 2009, Henan's primary, secondary, and tertiary industries were worth 277 billion RMB (US$40 billion), 1.097 trillion RMB (US$160 billion), and 563 billion RMB (US$82 billion), respectively. Agriculture has traditionally been a pillar of its economy, with the nation's highest wheat and sesame output and second highest rice output, earning its reputation as the breadbasket of China. Henan is also an important producer of beef, cotton, maize, pork, animal oil, and corn. It is said that 90% of Chinese McDonald's and KFC ingredients comes from Henan.

This briquette maker company is located in the northern part of China, and possesses rich materials to make variety of fuel briquettes. In order to help farmers to solve problems, there are various briquettes makers in this company, and I think that all of them will help lot farmers in other countries.