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An Introduction to Coal Briquetting Press

The biomass briquetting machine now has another name-straw type coal briquetting press. As one of the clean, renewable and cheap energy, people are starting to get familiar with it. The heating system, hotel, restaurants and bath center in the cities used to use coal-fired boilers. Now the coal-fired boiler is forbidden to be used any more in many countries, some people have to use oil-fired boiler.

The fuel cost of oil-fired boiler is almost 2-3 times higher than the biomass briquette, install solar energy system is one way, but the efficiency is depending on the weather conditions, several days of bad weather could be a disaster to the place which the heat is supplied only by solar energy system, use biomass fuel and the solar system together is a feasible way to this problem.

The industry of straw type-coal briquetting press has created another equipment need of the market-the biomass stoves, the biomass stoves are designed for increasing the burning efficiency and reducing the toxic gas discharged in the burning of biomass fuels, while the advantages of this kind of stoves need to be proved before the promotion.